21 Moorfields
Key Project Info:
- Client: Land Securities
- Value: £275m
- Dates of engagement: 2014 to 2016
- Contractor: Keltbray and Mace
- Piling rig working from a temporary steel platform over the station roof
- 2.4m diameter piles are being bored to a depth of 60m to support the new office block
The key duties undertaken included:
- Lead for all LUL engineering issues
- Regular meetings with the Infrastructure Protection, Asset Development; and Crossrail Liaison LUL teams, who all had a stake in the 21 Moorfields project
- Negotiation of exceptions to normal LUL Pathway requirements
- Identification of the effect of the proposals on LUL areas, including effects on operational staff, and suitable mitigation
- Prepared proposals for amending the LU plant rooms and welfare to allow higher capacity fans to be installed
- Scoped the LUL aspects of the demolition package
- Scoped and managed services survey package
- Worked with the selected demolition contractor to develop method statements and risk assessments and negotiate approvals
- Briefed the non-rail superstructure design and delivery teams on LUL requirements, and identified training needs
- Managed the LUL-specialist design team undertaking the in-station design works and held the role of Technical Approver for LUL submissions